- Inverted bellows, ascending during exhalation as used in human anesthesia ventilators
- Patient may breathe spontaneously from the bellows Microprocessor based electronic control system
- L.C.D display of respiratory variables
- Flow rate adjustable from 0-600 liters per minute with expanded range of flow rate selectivity
- Scavenger assist included. Controls are scavenger assist on/off and scavenger assist flow rate
- Includes & Interfaces with the Mallard absorber circuit Designed stand for multiple vaporizers. GCX mounting rail for mounting physiological monitors.
- Extremely quite & smooth in operation
- This model have 100% pneumatic controls and displays (no electronics). They also contain all non ferritic materials to avoid magnetic attraction
- Pneumatic display of selected respiratory variables
- Inverted 18 liter bellows, ascending during exhalation as used in human anesthesia ventilators
- Flow rate adjustable from 0 – 600 liters per minute with expanded range of flow rate selectivity
- Scavenger assist included. Controls are scavenger assist on/off and scavenger assist flow rate
- Designed stand for multiple vaporizers. GCX mounting rail for mounting physiological monitors
- Come with large animal breathing circuit
- Extremely quite & smooth in operation
- Servicing Is extremely minimal and easy
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