Just one client rental/month creates
substantial revenue!
With today’s rising expenses and lost revenue to the Internet, it’s a challenge to grow your practice net income. Let Multi Radiance prove how Laser rentals multiply quickly!
Your clients have been hearing about Laser’s beneficial wound and rehab effects for years, but Multi Radiance is the only company offering you Class 1 safe and effective rentals for your clients.
Multi Radiance is committed to veterinarians
ACTIVet PRO Laser System
Perfect for your practice
Multiple MyPetLaser units
Perfect for client rentals
Both come complete with
Companion Protocol Manuals
Complete Rentals Marketing
Program to get started fast!
Gets unlimited tech support
for you and your techs
Great results for your client’s pets
Great passive income generator for you!
Solve the problem of treatment consistency for arthritis, post-op healing, joint injury rehab, elder pet pain management, and lick granulomas. Add your clients to the rehab team! They love the convenience, cost-effectiveness, and safety of using our Super Pulsed Lasers in the stress-free comfort of home.
Go with the leader in Laser innovation with more peer-reviewed studies than any other Laser therapy company. And we’re practice proven with thousands of vets like you!