The goal of rehabilitation is to achieve the highest possible level of functional independence and quality of life for the patient. After orthopedic surgery, you certainly want to focus on:
1. The pain
2. Recovery of total patient functionality
3. Well-being (quality of life)
But can it be possible to achieve more
rehabilitation goals after orthopedic surgery?
Surgery alone may not allow the animal to regain its physical activity or previous work tasks. The first 72 hours of standard rehabilitation focus on reducing inflammation, reducing pain, and promoting healing.
When adding therapeutic lasers to rehabilitation, here are the goals that can be achieved in the first days:
1. Reducing inflammation
2. Promoting healing
3. Reducing pain
4. Maintaining or restoring ROM
5. Improve muscle strength and coordination
6. Improve weight-bearing and preventing compensatory gait
7. Preventing injuries
8. Improve mobility
In addition, laser therapy before and after surgery reduces the overall duration of rehabilitation.
Would you like to learn more about our
therapeutic lasers and try a demonstration?
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31996106/